Excerpts from the Strategic Plan


Call them bargains, handshakes, contracts, charters, treaties, covenants, blood oaths, pacts or agreements; they are what has to happen “before” and “while” any business exchange takes place.

Our name is Pact-Works Corporation. We are developers and facilitators of new forms of web oriented working agreement for business and institutional ventures. called Web-Pacts. Our services bring global oriented commercial, industrial, financial and institutional arrangements to the web where they are defined, published, contracted, executed, tracked and otherwise managed.

Web Pacts allow enterprises of every size and description to deal collaboratively with the issues of transition and business operation within the forming global economy. Sector-Pact is all about transitioning our supply chains and value chains while handling:

1. Complexity without loss of clarity, credibility or control
                 2. Diversity (of participants) without loss of unique identity
3. Speed without loss of security, accountability, or simple trust.

Today’s most common form of agreement is the retail sale of goods and services.. The retail sale, agreement is executable in just a few seconds. However, a retail sale is just a culminating agreement in long (supply & value) chains of agreements that can be traced back several weeks, months and years. Now on the web and dubbed “E-tailing”, millions of these 1 to 1 web processed agreements can occur by the minute and with relative ease.

Now, as the global economy comes into being, the bulk of the (transition) job is just coming over the horizon.. The rest of the supply and value chain agreements that used to take months or years to work out must now be compressed into several days and, possibly, into several moments. At the same time, the parties to these agreements are multiplying in numbers and exist not in a national, but a global landscape. These are the issues and events that must be reframed into a new, clear, efficient and globally accessible workspace that will unleash 21st century industry, finance and commerce. These are the issues and events that concern Pact-Works Corporation and that are the substance of the Sector-Pact programs.

Sector-Pact sets aside a new business workspace on the web for population by the people, the organizations, the ventures and the agreements that will constitute business as usual in a global business arena. Into that new workspace, we have introduced the Sector-Pact infrastructure and services for facilitating highly detailed and time-compressed business collaborations. Sector-Pact’s role is to make the new, dramatic, web-centric working relationships a reality.

Our business goal is to become the leading exponent and facilitator of new, highly productive, global business relationships based upon web centered agreement and information hand-off activities.